The California Center for School Climate (CCSC), was funded from July 2021 through June 2024 by the California Department of Education through one-time state legislative funds. Resources on this site will remain available for state and local education leaders interested in advancing their school climate efforts and in learning more about efforts happening across the state.
Browse through the free resources produced by the CCSC.
What Is School Climate?
School climate is defined as the qualities of a school environment experienced by students and staff and encompassing relationships, teaching and learning practices, and organizational structures (National School Climate Center, n.d.). The climate of a school profoundly influences the experiences of all individuals in a school community, including students, staff, family members, and community partners. Positive school environments are those that
- prioritize student and staff wellness;
- foster supportive relationships;
- engage students, staff, families, and community members in an authentically collaborative way;
- create conditions that allow for co-creating a shared purpose and schoolwide commitment related to school climate;
- center equitable supports in every aspect of the school community; and
- collect and monitor data for continuous improvement efforts (Hashmi et al., 2022).
Examining a range of school climate elements, or domains, can help provide a framework for identification of strategies and practices, action planning, and assessment to continuously improve school climate and culture. The CCSC offers three school climate domains: belonging and connections, safety and wellness, and environment, encompassing ten interrelated subdomains.

CCSC Resources by Domain
Browse CCSC resources by school climate domains that were developed and curated by the CCSC team.
Belonging and Connections
Student Agency, Engaging Educational Partners, Relationships, School Connectedness and Engagement
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Instructional Environment, Physical Environment, Behavioral Supports
Safety and Wellness
School Safety, Mental Health & Wellness Supports
Data Use and LCAP
We’re still here to support you. Please email [email protected] to get in touch with the team that led the Center.
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