The California Center for School Climate (CCSC) was a California Department of Education Initiative led by WestEd that provided free support and trainings on school climate and data use to local education agencies (LEAs) in California. This summary provides an overview of the CCSC’s major activities and accomplishments across its three years of operation, between July 2021 and June 2024.
Evaluation Report
Summary of Year 2 Activities
The California Center for School Climate (CCSC) is a California Department of Education (CDE) initiative led by WestEd that provides free support and training on school climate and data use to local education agencies (LEAs) in California. In its second year, individuals from about a third of California LEAs participated in CCSC activities. This summary provides an overview of the CCSC’s major activities and accomplishments between July 2022 and June 2023.
Overview of Promoting Student Resilience (PSR) Grant Program
In 2016, the U.S. Department of Education awarded $4.75 million in Promoting Student Resilience (PSR) grants to three local educational agencies (LEAs): Baltimore City Schools; Chicago Public Schools; and St. Louis Public Schools. The communities in these three LEAs had experienced recent significant civil unrest (i.e., demonstrations of mass protest that involved law enforcement).
The funds supported LEAs’ efforts to build capacity to address the comprehensive behavioral and mental health needs of their students by supporting systems-wide approaches that link schools, mental health service providers, and community-based organizations.
This resource provides a brief overview of the grantees, their activities, support provided, and lessons learned.
California S3 Statewide Evaluation Results
In October 2010, California became one of eleven states selected by the U.S. Department of Education to receive a four‐year Safe and Supportive Schools (S3) grant. The grant supported statewide measurement of conditions for learning (known also as school climate), as well as targeted programmatic interventions to improve those conditions in comprehensive high schools (grades 9-12) with the greatest need. In particular, this initiative was designed to help address disruptive behaviors in school—such as bullying, harassment and violence, and substance use on campus—and promote safe, caring, engaging, and healthy school environments that foster learning and well-being among both students and staff. The California Department of Education selected 58 high schools to participate in the grant.
These annual reports provide insights into the activities and impacts of the grant, with data from the existing California School Climate, Health, and Learning Survey (CalSCHLS) system, a team-developed School Climate Index (SCI), and a formative evaluation model which included evaluation site visits to every school in the spring of 2012, 2013, and 2014.
Project Cal-Well: A 5-Year Journey
The California Department of Education (CDE) is committed to increasing mental health services to support the socioemotional well-being of all students. In 2014, CDE was awarded a five-year Federal grant to implement Project Cal-Well statewide and in partnership with three local education agencies (LEAs).
The Cal-Well mission is to increase awareness of and improve mental health and wellness of California’s students, and provide training for school personnel to detect and respond to mental health issues.
This brief describes the Project Cal-Well model and provides highlights of successes and lessons learned over five years of implementation.