Balancing Acts: Nurturing Educator Wellness for Sustainable Impact
This workshop was designed for educators seeking to prioritize their well-being while making lasting impacts in their school communities. Through examples from the field, interactive activities, and practical strategies, participants explored the importance of self-care, stress management, and resilience. In this recording, explore the significance of finding small moments for self-care amidst the daily hustle, and strategies to cultivate collective and systemic cultures of care.
Watch the session recording:
View the recording transcript
Session resources:
- Session Slides
- Land Acknowledgement Toolkit
- Breathing Techniques
- Meditation Video
- Books, by Dr. Shawn Ginwright (Healing Centered Engagement, Hope and Healing in Urban Education, The Four Pivots)
Session Speakers:
Dr. Rachel Vatannia serves as the Coordinator of Education Services in the San Leandro Unified School District. With an unwavering commitment to fostering inclusive and equitable learning environments, Dr. Vatannia works in areas related to whole-child learning, multi-tiered systems of support, college and career readiness, student and family engagement, and the cultivation of student agency. Her work is grounded in pedagogical intricacies of child and adolescent development, with an emphasis on equity and inclusion. Her intentional focus underscores her dedication to ensuring that educational practices not only meet high standards of effectiveness, but are also inclusive and prioritize the diverse needs of every student.
Dr. Vatannia’s commitment to expertise and excellence reached new heights with the completion of a doctorate in educational leadership for social justice. This theoretical knowledge, combined with a wealth of hands-on experience, means that she is adept at navigating complexities and implementing strategic solutions. In additional to her doctorate, Dr. Vatannia holds a bachelor of arts in child and adolescent development and a master’s degree in education and curriculum design.
Jenny Betz (she/they) serves as a Technical Assistance Provider for the California Center for School Climate.
Jenny is also a Senior Program Associate in the Resilient and Healthy Schools and Communities content area at WestEd providing coaching, training, and technical assistance to support client efforts to assess and improve school climate and wellness, with an emphasis on equity, trauma-informed practices, SEL, partner engagement, youth leadership, bias-based bullying, LGBTQ students, data use, and sustainability. With more than 20 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, Jenny has worked with hundreds of SEAs, LEAs, government agencies, professional associations, community organizations, and corporations, focusing on creating and sustaining safe, inclusive, and equitable learning environments for all students.
Antoinette Miller (she/her) serves as Technical Assistance Provider for the California Center for School Climate.
Antoinette is also a Program Associate in WestEd’s Resilience and Healthy Schools and Communities area. In this capacity, she provides coaching, technical assistance, and professional learning to schools, districts, and county offices of education. Antoinette’s expertise is grounded in school climate and culture, mindfulness, healing-centered and restorative practices, social emotional learning and diversity, equity, and inclusion. Antoinette comes to WestEd with two decades of knowledge and experience in education, having previously worked as a general and special education teacher, districtwide intervention specialist, and a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) coordinator. Antoinette is dedicated to supporting the growth and development of all students and adults.
Session Moderator:
Arturo Chavez (he/him) serves as a Technical Assistance Provider for the California Center for School Climate.
Arturo is also a Program Associate with Resilient and Healthy Schools and Communities in which he supports local and state communities with mental and behavioral health initiatives. He provides support and guidance to child-, youth-, and family-serving agencies in areas of school-based mental health, licensing, credentialing, and community and family engagement. Arturo brings experience working within a K–12 context as an LCSW, PPSC-School Social Worker, Foster and Homeless Liaison, Family and Community Liaison, Clinical Supervisor, Social–Emotional Learning Coordinator, and Coordinator of School Climate and Conditions.