The Art of Participatory Leadership
Education systems change efforts are more likely to be equitable and sustainable when they are designed, implemented, and continuously improved in partnership with the communities they serve. In this recording explore leadership competencies that are necessary for system leaders to facilitate change efforts that work towards eliminating inequity and generating opportunity and well-being.
Watch the session recording:
View the recording transcript
Session resources:
- Session Slides
- Webinar: Participatory Systems Change for Equity: Centering Community Wisdom and Collective Action to Transform Child-, Youth-, and Family-Serving Systems
- Participatory Systems Change for Equity Guide
Session Speakers:
Amber Valdez, EdD (she/her) is a Senior Program Associate II with WestEd’s Resilient and Healthy Schools and Communities team where she supports local, regional, and state agencies and organizations to design and transform complex systems for equity. Her expertise includes complex systems change, transformational leadership, participatory change approaches, cross-sector collaboration, continuous improvement/improvement science, and human-centered/liberatory design. Valdez brings experience working with public and private sector systems, including education, health, and community development agencies, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, and foundations. Before coming to WestEd, Valdez led a consulting business supporting youth-, family-, and community-serving agencies and organizations with strategic planning, resource development, and community partnerships. She also served as a nonprofit leader supporting school and district administrators with resource development, community schools design, family engagement, and educational leadership.
Lan Nguyen (she/her) serves as a Technical Assistance Provider for the California Center for School Climate.
Lan is also a Program Associate at WestEd in the Resilient and Healthy Schools and Communities content area and has experience in diverse roles within large K–12 school districts supporting and guiding the implementation of Restorative Practices programs. As a former high school science teacher and experienced Restorative practitioner, Lan is grounded in the daily realities of school and classroom life and has used that knowledge to guide her work with school and district leaders. She has seen firsthand the transformative potential of effectively implementing Restorative Practices programs on the culture and climate of schools. Lan also has years of experience providing professional development and technical assistance to schools and districts around LGBTQ+ issues in education.
Session Moderator:
Laura Buckner (she/her) serves as a Technical Assistance Provider for the California Center for School Climate.