Nakanya Magby (she/her) serves as a Technical Assistance Provider for the California Center for School Climate.
Nakanya Magby (she/her) is a Senior Program Associate in WestEd’s Resilient and Healthy Schools and Communities (RHSC) area. In this capacity, she provides coaching, training, and curriculum development in areas related to school climate and culture, trauma-informed practices, and equitable supports. Currently, she supports the California Center for School Climate and the Connecticut Department of Education. Most recently, she served as a school climate and culture specialist at the state level in Washington, DC, providing professional development, technical assistance, and coaching for a safe and supportive school climate to include multi-tiered systems of support and trauma-informed and equitable supports. Nakanya joins WestEd with over 20 years of experience in education and mental health, having previously worked as a special educator, school counselor, dean of students, and district- and state-level specialist. Nakanya believes that all students should have access to a quality educational experience both academically and emotionally.