Join the California Center for School Climate and the California Department of Education for a webinar on how to authentically engage educational partners in Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) to drive school climate improvement and other transformation efforts.
Local educational agencies (LEAs) in California are required to partner with students and families to create their LCAP. This webinar will discuss how to meaningfully and effectively partner with students, families, and other partners to authentically engage with them in education decision-making. In this session San Jacinto Unified School District will share information and their best practices in engaging with educational partners as an essential asset for their LCAP process.
Watch the webinar recording:
View the recording transcript
View the webinar slides and resources
Dr. Vanessa Gomez is the Director of Equity and Access for San Jacinto Unified School District where she is responsible for LCAP development and has effectively worked with diverse families to engage them in the process. She has over 25 years of experiences as an educator. During her career, Dr. Gomez has developed and implemented comprehensive, data-driven school counseling programs and Student Assistance Programs. She also has a vast experience with crisis response counseling including creating and designing suicide prevention protocols, and implementing Trauma Informed approaches in schools. Dr. Gomez earned her doctorate degree from San Diego State University and completed her dissertation study on Implementing Trauma Informed Approaches in Schools.
Dr. Karen Kirschinger is the Assistant Superintendent of Personnel Services for San Jacinto Unified School District. She joined the district in 2001 and has held several positions including as a teacher, assistant principal, principal, and most recently the Executive Director of Student, Community & Personnel Support. In that role she provided guidance to students, families and staff in areas pertaining to child welfare, services to foster youth and homeless, attendance, counseling and support groups and also gave direction to the district’s enrollment and parent centers.